As it has done every two years since the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act indexed contribution limits for inflation, the FEC has announced revised contribution limits for the 2016 election cycle. In addition to the traditional limits for candidates, PACs, and parties, the FEC also set the indexed limit for the new special accounts created at the end of 2014 for the national political parties. This first chart shows the limits for individual and PAC contributions to candidates, PACs, and state and local party committees:
This next chart shows the amounts that an individual may give to the national party committees. The general fund is the account that has always existed, while the other funds are the new accounts Congress created in 2014 to help the parties to defray certain costs:
Individual Contribution Limits to National Party Committees
This chart shows the amounts a multicandidate PAC may give to the party committees:
PAC Contribution Limits to National Party Committees
As a reminder, there are no longer any aggregate contribution limits for individual donors, so they can give to as many candidates, PACs, and parties as they want.
Finally, the FEC also raised the threshold for disclosing contributions bundled by lobbyists. Candidates must now report bundled contributions from a lobbyist if they total more than $17,600 during the applicable reporting period. This change affects only reports that candidates, leadership PACs, and parties file. It does not change how lobbyist or others may bundle contributions or help to raise funds.