Every two years, after an election, the FEC indexes certain contribution limits to inflation. After returning from the shutdown, the FEC issued the revised limits for this year, a few days later than usual. As has been the case the past few cycles, the individual limit has gone up by $100. For candidates up for election in 2020, individuals may now give $2,800 per election or $5,600 per candidate per election cycle (with the primary and general considered separate elections). This means that individual contributors who had previously maxed out to candidates for 2020 primary and general elections at $2,700 per election can now give those candidates another $100 per election.
The FEC also raised the limits on individual contributions to party committees and non-multicandidate PACs:
- Individual contributions to the main account of the national party committees were increased by $1,600 from $33,900 per year to $35,500 per year.
- Each of the special accounts of the party committees – presidential nominating conventions, legal and election recount expenses, and building funds – were increased by $4,800 from $101,700 to $106,500 per year. Thus, individuals may give three times as much per year to each of these special accounts as they can contribute to the main account.
The charts below show the key contribution limits.
Contributions from individuals to the national party committees: