Last week Michigan followed several states by increasing both contribution limits and frequency of disclosure from candidates. The bill, which took effect immediately, also includes new identification requirements for persons or groups paying for robocalls while exempting so-called “issue-ads” and their donors from being disclosed in campaign finance reports.  

Contribution Limits and Disclosure


Significant campaign finance reform legislation cleared the Maryland House of Delegates Thursday, and is now under consideration by a committee of the Maryland Senate. The Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013 (HB 1499 and SB 1039) responds to recommendations of the recently convened Maryland Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law. The bill addresses

This week the Federal Election Commission (FEC) announced long-awaited increases to some individual contribution limits for 2013-14. Here’s what has changed—an individual may now give $2,600 per election (up from $2,500) to a candidate for federal office and $32,400 (up from $30,800) per year to a national party committee. Contribution limits to Federal PACs (including